Unlocking Knowledge, Empowering Minds

Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS)

Welcome to Nepal Ayurveda Trust, where traditional wisdom meets modern education. Our Bachelor of Ayurvedic Medicine and Surgery (BAMS) program is designed to impart comprehensive knowledge and practical skills in the field of Ayurveda. Here's what you need to know about this esteemed program:

Program Overview:

The BAMS program at Nepal Ayurveda Trust is a full-time undergraduate degree program that spans five and half year course. It is meticulously crafted to provide students with a deep understanding of Ayurvedic principles, diagnostic techniques, and therapeutic applications.

Key Features:
Holistic Curriculum:

In-depth study of Ayurvedic philosophy, anatomy, and physiology.
Specialized courses in herbology, pharmacology, and Ayurvedic therapies.

Clinical Training:

Hands-on experience through clinical rotations and internships in our Ayurvedic clinic.
Application of theoretical knowledge in real-world healthcare scenarios.

Experienced Faculty:

Learn from experienced Ayurvedic practitioners and experts in the field.
Benefit from their insights and practical wisdom.

Research Opportunities:

Engage in research projects to contribute to the advancement of Ayurvedic knowledge.
Access state-of-the-art facilities for research and experimentation.

Ayurvedic Lifestyle Education:

Emphasis on promoting holistic well-being through Ayurvedic lifestyle principles.
Integration of traditional and modern approaches to healthcare.

Admission Process:


Candidates should have completed +2.
Fulfill other eligibility criteria as per the university guidelines.

Application Submission:

Submit the online application form available on our website.
Provide the necessary documents, including academic transcripts and identification proof.

Entrance Examination:

Qualified candidates may be required to appear for an entrance examination.
The examination assesses aptitude in Ayurvedic sciences.


Shortlisted candidates will be invited for an interview to assess their passion and commitment to Ayurveda.

Final Admission:

Successful candidates will receive an offer of admission.
Confirm your enrollment by following the instructions provided in the offer letter.

Career Opportunities:

Upon completion of the BAMS program, graduates can explore various career paths, including:

Ayurvedic Practitioner
Wellness Consultant
Researcher in Ayurvedic Sciences
Faculty in Ayurvedic Colleges
Healthcare Entrepreneur

Program Overview:

In this five and half years-long program, students will delve into the depths of Ayurveda, gaining insights into the philosophy, principles, and practical applications of this ancient science. The curriculum is structured to offer a balanced blend of theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience, ensuring a comprehensive learning journey.

Who should enroll:

Health professionals seeking to integrate Ayurvedic principles into their practice.
Wellness enthusiasts eager to explore holistic healing.
Individuals passionate about the ancient science of Ayurveda.

Curriculum Highlights:

Introduction to Ayurveda:

Historical overview and evolution of Ayurveda.
Fundamental principles of Ayurvedic philosophy.

Ayurvedic Anatomy and Physiology:

In-depth study of Doshas, Dhatus, and Malas.
Understanding the concept of Agni (digestive fire).

Diagnostic Techniques:

Pulse diagnosis (Nadi Pariksha).
Tongue and eye examination.

Herbology and Pharmacology:

Identification and usage of Ayurvedic herbs.
Preparation of Ayurvedic formulations.

Ayurvedic Nutrition and Lifestyle:

Principles of Ayurvedic diet and nutrition.
Guidelines for a balanced and healthy lifestyle.

Panchakarma and Detoxification:

Practical applications of Panchakarma therapies.
Hands-on experience in detoxification procedures.

Clinical Experience:

Internship in our Ayurvedic clinic.
Case studies and practical application of Ayurvedic principles.

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